Saturday, July 18, 2009

Some Old, Some New

Posting some pictures.... some are old, some are new. Wesley is doing well lately. He has figured out how to turn onto his stomach, which is a major accomplishment considering all the tubes he still has attached to him. We are working to have him balance himself while sitting up. He's close, but not quite there yet. We have a lot of doctor's appointments the next 2 weeks. He will be going back to Baylor on 07/29 for the vent clinic to determine how much we can wean him on this ventilator. Hopefully we will see some improvement!!!!

From Mother's Day 05/10:

First week home 06/12:

Week at Children's Medical Center 06/14 - 06/19:

Family Visit 07/05, cousin Penny and great-aunt Melody:

Bath Time 07/11:

Yes, he did this himself:

Saturday, July 4, 2009