Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

So we rang in the new year last night with baby. Very surprised to see that we were the only parents in the NICU at midnight, but we wanted to be there, so we were. Wesley was moved yesterday from a warmer bed to a big boy crib. They put up a mobile for him, and he loves it!!! It's hard to get his attention away from the mobile. Overall the last few days have been pretty good ones. No major changes, just some small changes with the ventilator settings. He is supposed to be off steroids by today, so keep praying that he maintains his progress without those. They have been slowly weaning him off the steroids, so it appears he has maintained well with the lower doses over the past few days. I'll have to post his Baby New Year picture when I get home since the hospital connection is preventing me from uploading it now. So from Wesley and the rest of the family.... Happy New Year!!!
Here are a few pictures of Wesley looking at his mobile.

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