Saturday, May 30, 2009

Getting Ready for Home!!!!

It's almost time to come home!!!! This past week has been an exciting one!!!! Dad and I are almost through with all the training. We have one more training class for transport which we will finish next week. I will be completing my 3rd trach change today, and Dad will finish his on Tuesday. I am rooming in tonight and next Friday, Dad has next Saturday. With the rooming in, we have to provide 100% of his care for 24 hours, that includes all medications and feedings, diapers and baths, respiratory treatments and trach care, plus the every day positioning and playing. With all that said, there will not be much sleep for us those nights!!!! We are trying to get everything finished at the house as well. Dad is helping Uncle Craig pull up the carpet in Wesley's room and the living room and putting down wood flooring. We have the crib, mattress and changing table, home health company and medical supply company picked out, pediatrician waiting to see him, and all the love that little guy can handle!!!! We had a first this week.... Wesley rolled over from his back to his side on Tuesday, then got tired and fell asleep. Just thought it was cute!!! He had a visit to big Baylor for a renal ultrasound to check his kidneys. Everything seems to be ok. We think he may be teething, but have not seen a tooth yet. Below are some pictures that Dad took on Wednesday when they went to big Baylor. I just thought it was too funny to see a little baby on a big stretcher. I was told he enjoyed being out in the sun for a short time. Can't wait until he's big and strong enough to take to the park!!!!

1 comment:

adr said...

OMG! He's soooooo big!!! I'm so excited! I can't wait for him to come home so I can see his cutie face!