Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lots of Pictures!!!!

I have posted a lot of pictures, some recent, some a little older that I stole from my mom!!!! Overall, Wesley is doing well. He did have to go back on the vent for one night last weekend because he was having trouble breathing, and his heart rate was really elevated. I think it was in part because he was coming down with a bug but also still recovering from surgery. He had surgery on Monday, August 23 for a hernia repair and to have his left testicle descended. Everything went well with the surgery, but I know he was in a lot of pain afterwards. We went to vent clinic the following day. No major changes, just some slight increases/decreases on meds. We talked to the physical development doctor there to get the results from the MRI. He does have some scar tissue surrounding his brain causing his developmental delays. This would have been caused from either lack of oxygen or too much oxygen while he was in the NICU. Obviously there is nothing we can do to reverse the scarring, but it should become less of an issue as he grows older and his brain adapts. We were told this was to be expected while from the doctors back in the NICU. The doctor's official diagnosis from reviewing the MRI is cerebral palsy. The diagnosis was a little unsettling to hear, but after much thought, research, and many discussions with Wesley's nurses, it's not as scary as it sounds. Because he does have damage to his brain, it has to be classified as CP which turns out to be an umbrella term that encompasses a wide variety of things. It is a very mild case compared to most. He is crawling and starting to walk. He does not have the balance to walk on his own yet, but he is very close!!!! I don't anticipate any long term or permanent damage related to this diagnosis. Adding on to recent doctor's visits, we had a visit with the GI clinic on Tuesday, August 31. Once again, nothing really new there....dropping a medication that he no longer needs and slightly changing his feeds since he has leveled out on his growth. Next thing on the list is the opthomology that is scheduled for September 17. He has not grown out of his lazy eye, so we are having that checked out. But the next BIG thing on the calendar is Wesley's 2 year birthday!!!! Looking forward to September 13!!!! But now it's time for the pictures!!!!
From Grandmommy's Bday 03/15:

Little Brother Ryan's Baby Shower:

Cowboy in training:

Escaping from the dresser:

Bubba's baseball game:

Just Chillin:

Playing with little brother:


Very 1st playdate:


Sleeping with Bubba at the hotel in Springfield, Missouri:

Spaceship at Incredible Pizza in Springfield, Missouri:

Brotherly Love in Branson, Missouri:

Palace of Wax in Branson:

Sleeping with the little brother:

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