Wednesday, November 26, 2008

New pictures

I have some pictures from Sunday, 11/23 that I'm trying to post, but the internet connection at the hospital is not allowing me to do that right now. But for now, here's the latest update: I actually got to hold him for a brief moment on Sunday. It wasn't much, but it was something. Unfortunately, we also had some set backs Sunday night. We got a call around midnight to tell us that Wesley had to go back on the oscillating ventilator. He's been on it the remainder of the week. He's doing better than he was a few days ago, but still has not moved back to the conventional ventilator. The doctors also said he had a problem with a low thyroid, so they put him on some medicine to boost his metabolism. Hopefully this will help with some of his fluid retention. He did lose a few ounces after they started him on the medicines and went from 4 lbs 15 oz to 4 lbs 13 oz. I'll check up on his length on Saturday since they only measure once a week. They have also started another course of antibiotics just to ensure there is no infection. I'll be seeing Wesley again in just a few hours to celebrate his first Thanksgiving. I will post the pictures I have soon and should have more from Thanksgiving.

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